
Spokane county assessor tax sifter
Spokane county assessor tax sifter

Not too long back, they kicked a guy out of the league. The Arlington League, which is for men over 30, may well be the most unusual in the nation. Batters are just that - they must hit the ball. It really made no difference because they don't allow called balls. Now that's Illegal in this suburban league, so everyone screamed "foul" at the pitcher. the other day a pitcher forgot himself and threw a fast ball so hard it didn't get higher than the batter's head all the way to the plate. You think that's fantastic? Not in the Arlington Old Timers' Softball League, where the rules and regulations have little relationship to the gaime Abner Doubleday dreamed up. H SfHHAom you, TRY ewe MORE I-r CURRENT AP Newsfeatures COLUMBUS, OHIO - So. RS,SPINNING LURES, 'SALMON EGGS (IP »*FECTIVE LURkS. EXPERT BODY and FENDER Work PAINTING - RICH Motor Sales IIP YOU KNOW THE CAPAClT/ SIMILAR ATLANTIC SALMON. The friend didn't return, however, to take th. Consignee said he would wait, and wait he did-for more than three hours. 83, explained that he was just holding a second pole until a friend returned to take it back. I.4T - Two-pole fishing is not legal in Oregon, but angler Ralph Morries. '''^.- * THOSE 01 FLIES, SPINN LIVE BAIT At LEGAL.') AW Pr»H ALL I (ELHEAD rncos ARE FISHERMAN I MLS r'iUENO PORTLAND, Ore. 42 In Yankee StaNew York, after 16 months' service as a Marine captain. s« FISHING MI WITH Gerry dium, When YANKEE general manager George Weiss holding the mirror, Coleman puts on his Yankee uniform No. :RHA«'WITH A CXFF6RENT PRESENTATION XX) MAy LAND A WHOPPER rue CAPACITY OF A eeeirciPA HEWUME 5. Cincinnati 12-7,- Philadelphia Brooklyn 8, St.

spokane county assessor tax sifter

301 Pittsburgh Today's Oaaui Chicago at New York. And, at tnli tage, It appears that no one knows who Is going to pay Lewis for h n^rvlces. : But from comments of several players on the action/It ap *rs that many of the players didn't even know Reynolds and Klner »d hired the attorney to represent the whole group. At first glance It appears that Lewis was hired to ser i as the "mouthpiece" of the players to get a better minimum wi > better working conditions and more of a voice in their own actlvlti i. Norman Lewis, is serving and secondl whether j he actually was hired by the player representatives with th mnction * of all the players or not. Questionable at the moment, at least to this writer, la at what'. opposite view, saying that the el 1 owners always have listened and done something about the playi t gripes and that ball players are getting plenty or remuneration »r their work right now.

spokane county assessor tax sifter

This writer says It's a good thing, that the players art it r slaves! and someone Is needed to deal with the tough club owners. league player representatives, b IHng a, lawyer to serve demands on the club owners. sportswrlters the nation over In consideration of the mbi_.^ ft Reynolds end Ralph Klner. Johns, Centrar Press Sparttldltar TilE "ttt'O SIDES lo every question" approach la _.

spokane county assessor tax sifter

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Spokane county assessor tax sifter